For many a year I have donned a Santa hat just before the holidays. It always seemed to bring a smile to those I passed during those last few days before Christmas. I frequently heard..."You could be Santa!" and even more so as the beard began to grey.
In December 2016, I was in the Nashville airport walking to a seat to await my plane, when I felt like I was being followed. I turned to find two little boys right behind me. The look on their faces was one of joy. Their father, dead on their heels, apologized and I said to not worry about it. I knelt down to shake the youngsters hands and spoke with them briefly. They were smiling from ear to ear as they turned to walk back to their seats. I turned to find a seat to wait, and I had such a warm feeling from the brief encounter. I have always enjoyed the atmosphere Christmas time brings, but seeing the look on the faces of these two youngsters who thought they were talking with Santa, and how I felt afterward is something I had not experienced in a very long time.
I have heard others tell of being hooked by the experience and I now believe it.
"They err who think Santa Claus enters through the chimney. He enters through the heart!" - Charles W. Howard
May the spirit of Christmas be yours all year long!!
Santa Steve (Music City Claus)